The following video slideshow with voiceover was created discussing the concept of hegemony and gender roles in advertisements.
Here is a transcript of the dialogue in the video slide show:
Gender roles can demonstrate how a society views what it means to feminine or masculine and these roles are preformed through various interactions. The concept of cultural hegemony suggests that there is a power structure in society in which men are seen as the dominant sex and women are viewed as the subordinate. There are many forms of communication from which we seek for entertainment, information and can be a reflection of how a society interacts with others. The following photos were taken to examine these concepts of hegemony and gender roles further.
Erving Goffman's 1979 research titled, Gender Advertisements examines the depiction of female gender roles from a symbolic interactionist perspective.
Goffman notes that, advertisements do not depict how men and women actually behave; rather they serve the social purpose of convincing us that this is how women and men are, want to be, or should be. Furthermore, gender advertisements show women in subordinate, subservient and male pleasing roles and reinforces sexism in society.