The second assignment was to use the application Photo Mosaic, which was a lot easier to use than Wordle. The only difficult aspect of using this application is that you can't upload all the photos at once and have to upload each photo individually. When you go to the mosaic section customize how you want your mosaic to look like and then go to the 'Chose Your Photos' section. Click the 'Choose Photo' icon and the upload window will pop up. Then you upload all the photos individually. Once all the photos are uploaded, close out the window. Then click 'Chose Photo' icon again and all the uploaded photos will show up. Then just click on the photo you want and it will load in each subsequent cell. This took a little while to figure out, but was the only difficult aspect. There were some issues in trying to come up with photos that best encompassed who I am. Additionally, I had to scan some of the photos which took a little time.
I can see the Photo Mosaic application useful for presentations that try to visually address a sociological concept. Take the concept of globalization; you could use photos of McDonald's or Coca-Cola used in different countries. Furthermore, you could use photos from the FoxConn Factories which produce iPads.
Sources: Big Huge Labs
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