Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Girls On Film: Actresses Taking The Male Role in Recreating Popular Motion Picture Films

The Girls On Film is a great blog that recreates scenes from popular films that primarily consist of male actors. Currently, the web-series has created about 8 short films from films such as, No Country For Old Men, The Town, Star Trek and Fight Club (the clip above). It think this a great series and brings a great point to the table about the amount of lead male characters that are in motion pictures. Furthermore, its all done in good fun!:) From a Goffman perspective, I really like that this webseries is conveying females who do not conform to typical female gender roles. I think this series is positive for women and isn't targeting men, but its message is that we can play these characters just as much as you!

My Digital Story: Examining Gender Inequality In The Workplace

My digital story examined how female characters are portrayed in the media, but I also felt like it was important to bring it to a more real world stance. I conducted an interview with a women and asked her how she defined feminism, her experiences and opinons on occupational sexism.

I created the video through iMovie and found the images on the internet. I must say, it took a long time to create but I am happy with the results. In the future, I would like to add a movie clip to the video. In particular, I would want to find a clip from shows that portrays gender inequality in the workplace. What I had in mind was a clip from The Mary Tyler Moore Show; however I don't own this show on DVD.